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Look How PPF Can Protect Your Tesla’s Paint

To own a Tesla is not just simply owning a vehicle, but it is also owning a piece of the future car with innovation, luxury, and sustainability. As an owner of a Tesla, it is crucial to maintain both the appearance and functionality of the vehicle in the best possible way. There is no better option than Paint Protection Film (PPF) to protect your Tesla’s paint. This article will discuss how PPF protects your Tesla paint, how the process works, and why it is an excellent choice for Tesla owners.

Why PPF is a Wise Investment for Tesla Owners

#1 Scratch and Chip Resistance

Tesla has an elegant look with an expensive quality paint finish, making it vulnerable to scratching, chipping, and abrasion by flying debris, stones, or any rough surface. Thus, Tesla paint protection serves as a shield that covers the car’s body and does not allow these minor imperfections to harm the paintwork. 

#2 Protection from Environmental Damage

Sunlight, intense ultraviolet (UV) rays, acid rain, droppings from birds, and tree resins can harm your Tesla’s paint job over time slowly. Ultraviolet (UV) rays will fade the paint, while other acidic chemicals will not only cause discolouration but also etch the paint. PPF forms a shield against such elements, there by guaranteeing your Tesla a shiny paint job.

#3 Self-Healing Properties

Another significant characteristic of the Clear bra for Tesla is that it can fully heal and recover all damages made to it. Paint defects such as scratches and swirl marks are removed when they come into contact with heat from the sun or a heat gun. This self-healing property enables the film to provide a clear and gloss finish, making your Tesla vehicle look as good as new for a more extended period.

#4 Ease of Maintenance

When using PPF, the exterior of your Tesla is easier to keep clean and will need less Tesla paint maintenance. The glossy surface of the film’s skin ensures that even if there is dirt, it cannot stick easily and, therefore, is easy to clean. Also, PPF minimizes the frequency of polishing and waxing and does it all with cost and time efficiency.

#5 Resale Value Preservation

The paint of the Tesla vehicles must be well maintained to ensure that they retain their market value when resold. Consumers are more likely to be inclined to purchase a car whose paint is perfectly done. So, by using long-term paint protection for Tesla, you can guarantee that the external bodywork is clean, which means that you will be able to get a reasonable selling price for the car in the future.

Application Process of PPF

Application Process of PPF (Paint Protection Film)

  1. Preparation: Depending on the condition of the car paintwork, Paint Protection Film can be applied directly or first after pre-treating the surface with meticulous cleaning, removing all dirt, grease, or wax. The purpose of this step is to get rid of any debris or dirt so that it does not stick to the back of the film when it is applied.
  2. Pre-Cutting: PPF can be custom-fitted in a way that caters to the exact dimensions of your Tesla model. This is usually accomplished with the use of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), which helps provide the correct coverage. Tesla models, for example, the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y, come with pre-cut kits ready for installation for Tesla.
  3. Application: Paint Protection Film is somewhat complex, and it needs a lot of skill and precision to apply. The final step will involve a professional installer who will use a solution to ensure that the film laminates correctly on the car’s surface appropriately. The film is then placed with much ease right from one end to the other to ensure no formation of bubbles and wrinkles. After the film is applied, a pool squeegee is then used to wipe off any remaining solution, and where necessary, the film is rubbed against the paint to guarantee a perfect adhesion of the film to the paint.

Tesla PPF

Way Forward

Taking care of your Tesla’s paint does not simply end with preserving the looks but ensuring the durability of the car’s investment. Paint Protection Film (PPF) is a complete package that prevents your Tesla from scratches, chips, and harm from the surroundings as well as UV rays. PPF is very beneficial for Tesla due to its auto-healing ability and ease of cleaning. It can give Tesla a glossy look. When you invest in PPF, your Tesla car is protected and retains its pleasing appearance. 

Invest in Prestige Auto Apprearance’s superior PPF today to preserve the paint on your Tesla. Enjoy exceptional durability and effortlessly keep your car looking brand new.

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