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Does Ceramic Coating Require Special Maintenance?

Any enthusiast for cars will understand the value of protecting ceramic coating for their cars. UV protection and a long-lasting shine are only two of the many advantages of ceramic coating. Additionally, ceramic coatings have the ability to repel water, ice, slush, and other contaminants, as well as road salt, from attaching to your car.

Warranties for ceramic coating durability packages range from three to seven years. This warranty guarantees the coating’s strong protection but does not guarantee the ceramic coating’s continued efficacy. The ceramic coating has an average lifespan and durability, but additional elements like poor maintenance or regular off-roading will shorten its life span and performance. 

Does Ceramic Coating Need Special Maintenance?

The simple answer is yes. Special care for ceramic coatings is needed for good maintenance. But this maintenance is not too complicated or overly demanding. Below are are some tips to help you maintain your ceramic-coated car. 

Ceramic Coating Need Special Maintenance

Tips For Ceramic Coating Maintenance

#1 Maintain A Regular Wash Routine

Cleaning your automobile is the ideal step to start. After gathering all the necessary supplies, proceed with the cleaning. If you don’t want any issues with the paint of your automobile then you should stop using the incorrect cleaning solution. 

Also, you should stay away from automatic car washes as much as possible. This is because they usually use highly abrasive bristles found in the brushes. Therefore, your car can get some scratches and dents even with excellent nano-coating. Hence, nothing is better than a solid manual scrub to maintain the shine of your beloved vehicle.

#2 Follow The Two-Bucket Wash System

This cleaning technique is easy to use. Take two buckets and put clean water in one and the soap solution in the other. To start with, remember to wash your automobile with regular old water to get rid of any dirt.

After selecting the appropriate brush or washcloth, dip it in the soap solution and thoroughly clean the outside of your automobile. Now, after this step, dip the cloth in the clean water. By following these steps, your brush or cloth will remain clean enough to use for the next swipe.

#3 Do Not Wash Your Car Outside In The Sun

Washing your car outside in the sun can look like a sensible choice because it will dry faster. But you should never act in this manner. This is because the sun’s rays or the high temperature will dry up the soapy water on your car. This will leave behind water stains and undesirable marks on the ceramic coating.

#4 Use Ceramic Boosters

Ceramic coating preservation can be done with the use of ceramic boosters. To maintain the shine of the ceramic coating, these should be applied once every six to twelve months. These boosters can fill up the areas where the coating of your car is damaged. 

Also, you should pay close attention to the components of any long-lasting Ceramic coating booster you select. At Prestige Auto Appearance, we provide high-quality cleaning products to make your car look new and maintain its shine.

#5 Professional Maintenance

It is a good idea to have your car properly examined and serviced once or twice a year. Expert detailers from Prestige Auto Appearance will carefully examine the outside part of your vehicle. This involves searching for any locations where the coating might have become thin, as well as any scratches or water stains. Early detection of these problems enables timely repairs and can help you save money.

#6 Be Mindful Of The Environment

It matters where you park your vehicle. Parking under the trees can lead to bird droppings and sap. To protect your car from such elements, park in a garage or a well-shaded spot whenever you can. Furthermore, stay away from parking close to construction sites. This is because the ceramic coating on your automobile can be damaged by dust and debris.

Ceramic Coating Require Special Maintenance


Although ceramic coatings do need some upkeep, it’s not too difficult. You can preserve the coating by using a coating booster, avoiding automatic car washes, and doing some simple routine washes. Maintaining ceramic-coated surfaces is an easy way to keep the shine of your car in excellent condition for many years to come. 

Don’t settle for less when it comes to your vehicle’s appearance and protection. Post-application care for ceramic coatings is available at Prestige Auto Appearance. So, contact Prestige Auto Appearance today to schedule your ceramic coating appointment and give your car the best care that it deserves. Our Allentown ceramic coating services will provide a durable and hydrophobic layer that will protect the car paint. Call us now or visit our website to learn more about our services and to book your session. Your car’s perfect finish is just a call away!

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